I am familiar with metal coffins with glass plates or windows over the face,
which seem to have been popular ca. 1860-1880, but has anyone encountered
similar windows associated with wooden coffins?
The context is an 1868 burial in central Ohio but information is second hand
from someone who was watching the exhumation of a small family cemetery.
No archaeologist was present and, in this regard, removal of the burials was
very sloppy.  Six months later, I have found two humeri, immature ilium,
vertebra, and rib fragments scattered over the site.  The removal and reburial
was handled by a lawyer and a crew with a backhoe.  As historic cemeteries do
not really fall under federal historic preservation guidelines, I assume the
only recourse is through the local court that provided permission for the
removal.  I've already established that the SHPO does not feel that it has any
jurisdiction in the matter.  Any ideas on this?
Jim Murphy
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