Re:  the mother with the 3day old, dry mouth baby -- FEED THE CHILD!  We
will sometimes see a case similar to the one described.  A major red flag is
the lack of breast change during pregnancy.  Even with that we will try the
regular things to increase milk at the same time that we have an eye to the
possiblilty that the increase will not happen to the desired extent.  Focus
can be gently directed to providing the baby with the milk available,
nurture at the breast, and feedings of commercial baby milk.  I am
uncomfortable, very uncomfortable, with not supplementing the baby while
working on increasing supply.

Some of the things we have seen that help increase milk supply:
Correct positioning/attachment at breast
Frequent feedings (1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hrs day & 3 - 4 hrs night)
Feedings lasting 15 - 30 minutes
Mothers milk tea (2 - 4 cups /day depending on case)
Fenugreek capsules (5 caps AM, afternoon, & night to total 15 caps/day)
Alfalfa tablets (8 tablets/day -- 4 AM & 4 bedtime)
Vitex  (new to me;  tried with a mother recently with positive result)
Pumping 6-8 mins. after BF (some # times per day)
Reglan (10mg. tablet 3 X day)  Have not used this is very long time as
result with         other methods as good or better

So many of the mothers do not think about continuing to provide nurture and
some nourishment at the breast even though they may not have a full milk
supply.  Mothers are relieved to hear that they can do so.

Good luck with this mother.  It is not easy to help mothers manage  when
things do not work out as they envision.

Pardee Hinson, MPH, IBCLC
Charlotte, NC