Hi All,
I am really sorry to do this, but my family has done it again, and I need
some real help with information.  My sister found some dumb article about
ADHD children and how when they are born plays a part in whether or not they
have ADHD.  It seems that (especially) boys born in Autumn months have a
higher incidence of ADHD than any others.  Well, my oldest son is born in
Sept., and now she is convinced that my son needs special help because he
must have ADHD!  Well, I know he doesn't but, I am tired of my family always
trying to find something wrong with my healthy (emotionally and physically),
gifted, homeschooled child.  So here is what I need (and couldn't get thru
Medline).  Does anyone have a list of the basic of characteritics and
"symptoms" of an ADD, ADHD, or ADDH child?  I remember some of us mentioning
that our children are ADD and how BF effects that (which I mentioned to my
sis, but she laughed it off...)  and would love some personal anecdotes that
I could share with her, as well as a list, to show her what a true ADD child
is like.  She has never really worked with a true ADD child, as I have, so
doesn't have a clue of what she is talking about.  But, my experience alone
won't be meaningful to her or anyone else in the family, and the way my
family gossips, I'll be hearing within a week about how lousy a mom I am for
not getting Chris tested and into special services and counseling for his
ADD.  (Heck, because my mom thinks it is better to hit/spank than yell at
your kids when you are angry, the family now thinks I am verbally abusing
them!  please.)
Anyway, again, sorry for asking for help here, but I really don't know who
else to turn to, except my 1000+ best friends!

PS:  If anyone wants to see this "article" let me know and I'll be happy to
forward it to you.