In a message dated 96-10-26 20:06:24 EDT, Jay writes
<< What type of meds are used for kidney probs related to diabetes?
 Are any of these meds NOT ok for BF?
 If there are some that ARE ok with BF, what are they?  >>
I don't know the answer, but I do know I would counsel the mother to ask 1)
are meds really necessary now? 2) are there other treatment options? 3) would
closer monitoring suffice? - since you said she is asymptomatic 4) is this
the only med for this condition?  5) can we find another/others that are bf
I think these are the questions re meds that moms should be asking and dr's
should respect how important bf is - moms should try to find a dr that does.
What would the dr do if the mom was pg? Would she be told to abort so she
could take the med? Why then are we so often told to wean?
Off the soapbox,
Laurie Wheeler, Rnc, Mn, Ibclc
Violet LA