Is anyone aware of a decreased milk production correlating with maternal age?
  I am working with a  43 y. o. mom, nursed her first two quite successfully
8 & 11 years ago for close to one year.  She is presented with a low milk
supply which I attributed to poor latch and ineffectual suckling at the
breast.  Currently she is pumping 8 times a day, has used the sns for a week
and was too overwhelmed.  I presented the thought of Reglan to the mom and we
are waiting for a response from her MD.  She asked me if age could be a
factor and I wasn't aware.  I don't often work with 43 year old moms. She has
no hx of infertility.  Thanks for your thoughts!

Elisa Hirsch, RN, IBCLC
Westlake Village, CA