This week I went to visit one of the clinics "Proyecto Lacta" serves here in San
Juan.  I was meeting with nurses for the first time to offer my services in
terms of breastfeeding education and training (for them) and support (for moms -
we offer a free clinic).  At first, the reaction to my visit was "who are you
and who do you think you are - I know all there is to know."  But we quickly got
past this and they told me of their own breastfeeding experiences.

One, a Puerto Rican nurse whose mother bf 11 children reports "We were all three
years apart - this was her birth control method.  My sister would come home from
school yelling 'sit down, mom' and the neighbors all knew she was home for some
breastfeeding.  I will never forget the closeness I felt with mom during those
nursing times. "  - To think we have gone from this (she's in her late 50's I'd
say) to 4% Breastfeeding exclusively at one month!

The other, from Peru says her mom breastfed 12 children - and they would daily
stand in line for their few minutes of nursing - what do you call when you nurse
4 or 5 children instead of the 2 that "tandem nursing" referrs to?  She says as
they were so many, you only had quiet time with mom when you had your turn -
except that often the next child in line would be pushing and shoving and saying
"it's my turn, now." She suddenly remembered the soft "mommy smell" she hadn't
remembered in many years...

We hope to meet again soon and plan a breastfeeding education program to be held
at their site.  They voiced very real concerns, though, about encouraging
breastfeeding among their population  which is very heavy into drug use.
(Thirteen year old girl's birthday present is going to a motel and trying to get
pregnant by the nearby drug dealer.)  One of the dealers is the source (how can
I call this "father") of 4 pregnancies they have right now in the clinic.

...And please don't think this only happens in Puerto Rico - I worked in a
clinic in a midwester city for 5 years - the same thing happened there.

Jeanette Panchula, BSW, LLLL, IBCLC, RN
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Puerto Rico