Hi All!
Well, I made it back on!!  Yeah!  Withdrawl symptoms are easing!  My
relaxation time is back!
OK, now back to business (fun, huh?)

In a message dated 96-09-28 18:20:35 EDT, you write:

>  Is it possible that this mom, who had just strted on vitamins the same
>  she started experiencing the nausea is somehow sensitive to the vits?  Is
>  pregnant? Did she start on some kind of hormaonal birth control? has she
>  checked for thyroid problems?
>  It doesn't seem logical that she would be breastfeeding for two months
>  start having hormonally linked nausea unless something else in her
>  regimine or health condition had changed.
>  Alison K. Hazelbaker
According to mom, she is not pregnant.  However, she has been pumping and
having Dad give baby a bottle at night time for quite a while, and has
started to have some bleeding.  She is not on any hormonal BC.   My thoughts
are that she is getting her periods back, and maybe the hormones now flowing
through her system are the cause of the nausea.  But, I don't know if she has
had her thyroid checked.  I will pass it on to my LC friend working with this
mom and find out.
I agree that it is not logical for her to suddenly start having nausea while
BF after 2 months of no nausea.  WIll be interesting to see if it is the Vits
or if it is her hormones and period returning (not that her hormones are
returning since I am sure they never left, but you know what I mean!  :D  )

Take care!

Move went well, BTW, and we are almost finished getting things organized.
 Now if I could just find all my BF stuff.....