>She said she was pumping because her Pedi recommend it.  The baby (1 month 2
>week old) had a grape size lump in her breast.  The Pedi said "It was because
>of the hormones present in the breast milk and she would need to temporarily
>wean".  Well what do you think?  I was a bit taken back by this explanation
>and wondered if anyone else had ever had anything similar.

A client of mine some time ago had a baby boy who developed mastitis and
had to be hospitalised, and the lump drained. Unfortunately she was having
breastfeeding difficulties, and this was the last straw, so she weaned, but
I don't think she would have had to medically. I understood that the
hormones during pregnancy were more to blame than those in the breastmilk.
It was interesting that each time someone in the hospital asked her what
she was there for and she said mastitis in her baby, they kept having to
clarify that it wasn't *her* who had the mastitis!

Joy Anderson IBCLC, NMAA Breastfeeding Counsellor
Perth Western Australia
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