>Does any one know of any multimedia software about bees and beekeeping?
>I belong to a beekeeping group that often has visits from local schools etc.
>I want to try using some multimedia packages for this sort of thing.
>The only ones I know of are a few short segments in Encarta and Dangerous
>Neither of these snippets is long enough to be counted and one of them
>distorts the truth to the poiont that I would not use it.  However they
>do show what is possible.
>If you can recommend any, please let me know where I can find it.
>email      >  [log in to unmask]
>snailmail  >  Chris Allen, 7 Waratah St, Canterbury, 2193, Australia
>Chris Allen
Hi Chris, (Esteemed Secretary) :)
Actually, what you *can* do, without any expense, is to put copies of some
web pages onto the computer, as well as a copy of Netscape (which is free
for education). For example, this page here:
<TITLE><Bee Alert! of The University of Montana-Missoula</TITLE>
<BODY text="#330099" vlink="cc3333" background="clouds2.gif"><p>
<h1><B><I><FONT SIZE=+7>K</FONT><FONT SIZE=+5>ids'
Corner</font></I><h1></font><p><font size=+2><IMG SRC="birds.gif"
<H2><a href="trivia.htm">Honey Bee Trivia</a></H2>
<H2><a href="games.htm">Games & Puzzles</a></H2>
<H2><a href="color.htm">Coloring Book</a></H2>
<H2><a href="bees2.htm">Honey Bee Pictures</a></H2>
<H2><a href="kid2.htm">Buzzy's Favorite Sites</a></h2>
<BR><BR><a href="default.htm">BEE ALERT!</a> <IMG SRC="back.gif"></font>
if you copy and save the above as a text file, then open it with Netscape
or another browser, it will open just like a web page. (This page is at:
Of course, you also have to save the photos and companion pages with the
correct names, but that's not too hard to do. It would be possible to build
up quite a nice little collection of bee stuff from the World Wide Web,
have it on the computer, and then let the kids see it without having to
connect to the net every time.
I would hope the University of Montana might be pleased to have its page
used this way?? We'd have to ask them.
(And of course we'd have to fix the spelling of 'color' and 'favorite'
while we're at it. Isn't English crazy?) :)
Bruce :)
\       Bruce Laidlaw                           /
\       Head Teacher                            /
\       Foundation Studies                      /
\       East Sydney College of TAFE             /
\       (Technical & Further Education)         /
\       Darlinghurst                            /
\       New South Wales                         /
\       Australia  2010                         /
\       +61-2-9569-2854 (h) 9339-8648 (w)       /
\       http://pip.com.au/~abestuds/            /
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       {|||8-  Beekeeper  -8|||}
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