>Ted -Are you using Benzaldehyde, or Butyric anhydride (Bee-Go / Honey
>Robber)?  I have had mixed results, (my experience is mostly with the
>former), from cleared supers - to bees hardly moving down at all - to
>stupefied bees running all over in chaos.  Have you had good results
>consistently, without tainting the aroma of the honey, & what is the most
>effective procedure?    I was concerned at the confusion the fumes caused
>sometimes.  Any info appreciated -- JWG
For hives in partial shade in early August, using benzaldehyde on shallow
     give the bees in the top super a few puffs of smoke to start them down,
     then leave the fume board on for five minutes,
     take a super off and put the fume board back on for the next five
Tim Sterrett
Westtown, (Southeastern) Pennsylvania, USA
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