>Gee.....I thought this list was about sharing information and
>helping each other.....not shooting holes in other people's
_I_ thought the idea was to share _information_-- not
misinformation.  I believe Alan Dick's post straightened out some
of the inaccuracies of the post he was addressing.  The thread he
was following, after all, referred to "facts" not hearsay-- there
are, after all, some things in beekeeping that _are_ facts and
not the matters of opinion that we contentious lot of beekeepers
so love to natter about ;-)
        -              Conrad Berube
       "  `            ISLAND CROP MANAGEMENT
       "   `           2620 Queenswood Dr.
   _- -_`-_|'\  /`     Victoria, B.C.
 _/ / / -' `~()()      V8N 1X5
  \_\ _ /\-._/\/       (604)477-5220; fax (604)656-8922
       /   | |         email: [log in to unmask]
      '`   ^ ^         website: http://vvv.com/~bwarner/