There was some information and warnings on the use of homemade pacifiers in
hospitals which was published in the NAACOG newsletter ( now AWHONN).
Nurses Association of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
AWHONN= Association of Womens Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses.
I used their article (about risks and lawsuits related to using homemade
pacifiers in the NICU) to eliminate (partially) the use of bottle nipples
stuffed with cotton and propped into kids mouths in the hospital. The nurses
liked them better because the babies didn't spit them out as easily.
 This was about 1987 or so.
Good luck, babies can choke on these as the nipple will release from the
plastic collar and can be aspirated by a strong baby.
Elaine Lukasavitz CNM
(Mother-Baby nurse and lactation consultant before giving in to frustration
and following a dream to be able to "do it right" with clients by starting
prenatally and being the person who was "in charge" and writing the orders.)