<<<As I have some yards that have been exposed to Varroa it is my intention to
treat these with Apistan this fall.  All of these colonies are in 2 brood
chambers and while it would be nice to put 2 strips in each chamber, it is a
real pain to get into the bottom one>>>
<<What has the experience been putting 4 strips in the upper chamber ONLY?>>
Apistan is a contact killer and needs to go where the activity is
greatest,which is around the brood. I would think that at this time the
brood would be found in the lower box.  If the top box is honey only, four
strips there would be less effective than two in the bottom.  If the pain
comes from lifting the top box then it must be full of honey.  Go to the
bottom as it will be far more pain if the mites win.          Sid P.
Sid Pullinger                    Email :  [log in to unmask]
36, Grange Rd                Compuserve:  [log in to unmask]
Hants SO24 9HF