Jim Moore DTN276-9448 ogo1/e17 508-496-9448 wrote:
>         Anyway, 2 questions.
>         If I harvest Hive #2's honey supers in early August will they
> have time and space to store enough honey for the winter in the deeps?
> Here in New England bee winter with 2 deeps.
>         For hive #1 are there tactics that I could have used or can be
> used to get the brood chamber back in the bee baby busines and out of the
> honey storage business?
> I can not answer question one, but using all one sized frames allows one
to move frames around to keep the brood nest open.  It is much easier to
get things moving if you have the freedom to move frames.  But, the
difference may be somewhere else.
"Test everything.  Hold on to the good."  (1 Thessalonians 5:21)
Tom Elliott
Eagle River, Alaska
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