To reply to Dalia about her son's ears:
Current medical thinking in the pediatric literature is to be cautious about
Rx'ing antibiotics for middle ear fluid.  (Much of this concern is a result
of overuse of antibiotics and development of nasty, resistant organisms).
 Many of the big names in pediatric ENT here in the USA are recommending
antibiotics only for the red hot painful ears to clear the bacterial
infections, then watch and wait on any fluid, since most fluid accumulations
clear spontaneously within 2 months.  We MDs still track middle ear fluid,
though, since if it becomes chronic, it can interfere with the child's
hearing and speech development.  Some kids get lots of ear infections because
their eustachian tubes don't work quite right (this can be hereditary).  Of
course, the best ways to prevent ear infections are to keep children away
from secondhand cigarette smoke, breastfeed them, and try to minimize
exposure to illness.
 Hope this helps.  L. Shaw MD