I have been asked by an LC colleague to find out about producing milk
during pregnancy.  She was asked by a local doctor.

The woman is age 27, first pregnancy, 27 weeks pregnant.  Meds: long
term Keflex (an antibiotic) for a urinary tract infection, occasional
Ventolin for asthma.  She is otherwise well, no signs of premature
labour.  She is leaking milk from both breasts and needs to wear
breast pads all the time.  She is a midwife and recently had a
letdown at work which produced enough milk to be "very embarrasing".

We have come across only one case of this in a Primip before. Any
ideas?  Is it a cause for concern? How common is this?  We checked
several texts but couldn't find anything useful.  I would appreciate
responses ASAP. Please mention "milk in pregnancy" in the subject
line as I am too busy at the moment to do much more than scan digest
topics.  Thanks in advance.

Ros Escott IBCLC
Tasmania, Australia
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