For the past several years  I have worked with our public
information office on a governors proclamation for Minnesota
Breastfeeding Awareness Month (in conjunction with World
Breastfeeding Week), and an accompanying news release.  I am looking
for interesting "hooks" for the news release, and would appreciate
any suggestions.  (One year we included the $5.00 saved for every $1
spent supporting a breastfeeding working mother at LA Dept of Power
and Water, last year we used the cost benefit information from Dr.
Miriam Labbock.  Both of these were picked up in news stories.) This
year  I plan to include a list of Web sites that have breastfeeding
information for the public, but would also like to include other
interesting information which might get the attention of the media.

(For anyone who is doing a news release we also found that attaching a
"news media resource list" which lists suggestions for stories, along
with contact people also helps to generate some coverage.  It is also
a nice way to acknowledge those working to promote and support