I'm preparing a presentation on the various types of hives in use around        
the world for my beekeepers' group. I've read about a few kinds but with the    
BEE-L so far-reaching, perhaps you folks can help out by providing              
descriptions of the hives you use or maybe of the kind you remember             
grandfather using. Of course, the greater the deviation from "standard",        
the more interesting the hive would be.                                         
Since "standard" is relative, permit me to point out that the standard          
we use here is the 10 frame Langstroth, usually appearing as 2 "deep"           
hive boxes (around 10 inches or 25 cm deep) at the bottom for brood             
rearing and several smaller "shallow" boxes (less deep, around 7 inches or      
17.5 cm deep) for honey. The hives are free-standing, that is, not in           
a house.                                                                        
If you wish to respond privately, please send email to [log in to unmask]       
If you feel your description is of interest to the BEE-L at large, please       
post it. I'd appreciate any response.                                           
Conrad Sigona                                                                   
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