Gordon Scott wrote:
> Hi All,
> Two other things to think about regarding unsolicited files.
> 1) They consume bandwidth, whether or not the recipient wants them.
> 2) Not all computers will find them useful. For example, PC
> programs generally don't run on Macs and vice versa. Personally,
> I use a Unix system that would find software for either of
> those platforms unhelpful ;-)
Very good point Gordon, which is why all files should be distributed in one of two methods only.  Either by using ASCII text files,
which any computer should be able to read with little to no problems.
The other being using Adobes .PDF file format which allows documents to traverse virtually any format including the text, graphics, etc.
The PDF format has readers in Unix, Mac, PC, etc; and you will find more and more files on Web pages distributed in this format.
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