Hi Elisa and all of you great folks out there!
I know that if I had smelled that food and then found out that it was from an
ABM company I would have done and said just what Elisa did!  There is NO WAY
I will accept anything from the ABM people.  Good job Elisa!

Just this past weekend, my hubby and I were having breakfast at Dennys and we
saw two families with small babies.  One baby was happy one was fussy, both
were sitting in carseats.  I said to my hubby, "how much you wanna bet that
the happy baby is BF and the fussy one is ABM fed?"  He said "How can you
tell the difference?"  I said, "How much?"  "Ten Bucks", he says.
10 min later the happy baby starts fussing, guess what mommy does?  BF the
baby!!  I gave her a big smile and a thumbs up sign. Mom ate her breakfast
and BF the baby!  What a pro!
The other baby continued to be fussy, and as we were leaving the restaraunt,
the mom was propping a bottle and the baby was fighting it with ABM all over
his poor little face.  He was NOT a happy camper!
Gee, what am I going to spend my $10 on???