I have a client now 7 days PP, Gravida 3 Para3, BF both other children,  who
has been told she has a Lactiferous Adenoma ( haven't run into this before ),
that grew significantly during the last month of gestation.   The surgeon who
is to remove this has of standard course recommended complete weaning, so
that surgery can be performed in 2 - 3 weeks.  Mom is very emotional, and
wishes to BF.
Question :  can this mom BF on the unaffected Breast ?   We have the affected
side tx with cabbage, and no nursing to supress lactation,  but is nursing
cont. on the other, will the circulating prolactin cause trouble. ??
The OB / Gyn has given her permission to continue, but I could not reach the
surgeon, he is out of town until next week .
I did not find any litature except pertaining to women with previous trauma,
or non - chemo Tx for cancer continueing to BF.
Mom is otherwise healthy.......
Would appreciate any comments ?

Paula J. Ray  RNC , IBCLC
Longview, Texas