At 11:09 PM 5/6/96 -0500, you wrote:
>John Taylor wrote:
>>Are there any particular problems I can look forward to as a result of
>>my bees beeing exposed to wind, rain and getting a good soaking?
>Not in what I have seen. In a couple of "good days" they won't be
>Good luck - Scott
I appreciate the help.  I've also had a couple of private e-mail messages
that basically told me I did the right thing.  I may get the hang of this
beekeeping stuff yet! <grin>
As far as beeing cranky goes . . . I've been pleasantly surprised by my
bees.  The day I installed my bees, they were flying and landing all over
me.  I also had cologne on.  Since that day I've been careful not to wear
cologne and the bees hardle notice me.
We've had a lot of cool, cloudy, wet weather in Southeast Missouri lately.
Most of the days I've checked the hive its been overcast and not just
exactly real warm.  The bees have been extremely gentle - no matter what the
weather is like or what has happened to them.  The day they got soaked and I
removed the frame, I actually got brave enough to try something I'd just
been thinking about - handle them without gloves.  Rather than being cranky,
they seemed subdued with being wet.  I've not been stung yet and the girls
just don't really act like they want to sting me.
What I'm trying to get around to are questions - are my Italian bees
unusually gentle?  Have I just lucked out and started handling them in a
manner that doesn't bother them?  Or, am I soon going to have a larger
population, that is busier flying once all the comb is drawn out and will be
more likely to sting?
Thanks to all.
John Taylor
LifeBeat Air Medical
When in danger, or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!