As anyone can see I've made a boo-boo here.  I was referring to Trachea
mites rather then Varroa to be treated with vegetable oil.
Sorry about that.
That post got exactly the reaction I expected.  Must all new ideas be
stamped out without even a trial?  I've been keeping bees off and on since
the late 40's and have yet to learn everything there is to know on the
subject.  Now I don's ask that anyone use the same treatments that I use.
But I have learned one thing for sure.  You can't learn anything new if you
aren't willing to try something new.  Anyone who tries some new medication
or treatment on their entire stock of bees would be a fool.  Quite frankly
some of the new beekeepers have been coming up with some very good ideas and
quite honestly I'm happy to say that I've benefited from them.  But I didn't
rush out and try these things on every hive. I tried them on one hive and
then if it showed promise, I tried it on an entire beeyard.  Too suggest
that anyone would want anyone to try something new on all their hives and
risk their entire livelihood is quite ludicrous.
Finally I've had my share of private email too and we all know how that goes.
Frank Humphrey
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