To Sandy and other Lactnetters,

You asked about Medicaid reimbusement for lactation support and services-----I
have checked on a small sample of Medicaid mothers who received service from our
lactation center (Mercy Lactation Support Center).  The results showed a
consistent pattern of reimbursement.  All North Carolina Medicaid patients had
service reimbursed at a rate of 44%.  All South Carolina Medicaid patient
services were reimbursed at 15%.  NO request was denied reimbursement.

Since it is most important that reimbursement rates at least cover the cost of
providing service, we all need to actively advocate for appropriate Medicaid
reimbursement of lactation support and services.

Please let me know what other states are doing in this area.

Pardee H. Hinson, MPH, IBCLC
Charlotte, North Carolina