I'm still playing catch-up with several email lists, and accidently deleted
the post regarding someone in a southern state (Louisiana??) who was
successful at getting Medicaid and other insurance companies to fund electric
pump rentals, third party reimbursements, etc.  In Texas, I'm having a
terrible time getting anyone associated with Medicaid to authorize payment
for pump rental even in the cases of extreme prematurity.  They say pumps are
a *luxury* and I pull my hair out trying to find alternative sources of
funding for these young, low-income mothers trying to provide breastmilk for
the 2 to 3 months of hospitalization.  UGH!  Anyway, I would love to get into
contact with this person and find out how she/he got it all done!  Any help
will be greatly appreciated.

Kathy Parkes, RN, IBCLC
San Antonio, TX