Well, folks, I have a stomach bug, and was up half the night hugging the
porcelain convenience..and when I got up, my 4 yr old wanted to watch Sesame
Street..and as she turned it on, the cute furry little monsters had a nice
little segment on Baby Bottles, and etc etc.and what they would do if they
didn't have the baby to give a bottle to...and whatever else, but there were
a lot of closeups and a discussion of the milk that the baby monster was
going to drink..etc.

If I didn't feel like barfing before that, I felt like it after.  Does
anyone have the address of Children's Television WOrkshop? CAN"T FURRY

Nauseatingly yours,

Kathleen B. Bruce, BSN, IBCLC, LLLeader, co-owner Lactnet, LLLOL, Corgi-L
LACTNET WWW site: http://www.mcs.com/~auerbach/lactation.html
Personal WWW page: http://www.together.net/~kbruce/kbbhome.html