Lisa et al, Thankyou for your comments about yeast. I did not mention that
the  mother I saw with persistent yeast had received a number of the
treatments prior to seeing us at the "walk-in". What was done was done. What
is important, is that mothers be informed of the risk factors of taking
antibiotics, (ie. routinely given for PROM., or Ceasarean), of S&S, and of
proper treatment for mother and baby. If we are going to educate physicians
"collectively" this is certainly one area I'd like to see covered. This
mother spent nearly $500. in treatments to date, some of them inappropriate
or ineffective. By the way, I saw this mom today and she says babe has
stopped "popping off" (Any ones guess as to why!) and she is only feeling
discomfort when wearing her bra. (she has tried 4 different types). Once
again, thanks for your support, one and all, and comments welcome!  Diana,
who feels that she knows less and less each day while learning more and more.