Is it true that blonds experience greater nipple sensitivity and
therefore are more susceptible to nipple pain when BF?
        This is something that has come up so often in my work it's amazing.
 Some Docs are teling their patients and almost all of my moms have heard it
from a friend of relative--and not only blonds--red-heads, too.
        I assume this info is coming from the fact that SOME fair-skinned
people have sensitive skin as a whole (not just sensitive nipples).  SOME
light skinned people sun burn easily or are more sensitive to allergic
reactions of the skin.
        Notice the emphasis on SOME.  The key here is that there is no
problem until there's a problem.  It's like inverted nipples.  It's a good
thing to be aware of as a possible problem, but SOME babies will latch
beautifully on the most inverted nipples--it's not a problem until it's a
problem.  Many babies latch on to their light-skinned moms with no unusual
consequence.  Some moms may be a little more sensitive.  I suspect ALL moms
can nurse comfortably given time and support.  There is no problem until
there's a problem:)
        Brenda, WIC BF counselor, Canaan NH