Actually the new terminology is Gravida (G) designating the number
of pregnancies a woman has had regardless of the outcome.  Parity
is broken into four parts TPAL T= term or the number of pregnancies
carried to 38 weeks, P= preterm or the number of pregnancies that
ended between 24 and 38 weeks, A= abortions (also called aborta)
which indicates the number of pregnancies that ended before 24
weeks, and L= living children, which simply indicates the number of
children that the woman has given birth to that are currently
living.  So a woman who has had 5 pregnancies, 2 of which were
term, 1 preemie,  (all 3 still living) and one miscarriage would be
a G5 P 2-1-1-3.

On our floor we do sadly refer to our patients who had Cesareans as
"sections," but we also refer to women who had vaginal births as
"vag."  It is demeaning, but it is not intended to be.

--And that concludes our medical terminology lesson for the
day!--(ROFLOL!!   :->
Jeffrey S. Fouche, RN, BSN
Assistant Director of Maternal/Child Services and Breastfeeding Educator
Barrow Medical Center   E_Mail: [log in to unmask]
Dad to Tanner 06-28-95