Kathy D., you asked about propulsid....

I don't have my books with me but I have seen this mentioned in outlines of
talks about gastric / esophageal reflux.  It works pretty much as your
student described, apparently.

I would love a comment from our MDs on line:  what is it with this reflux
thing?  I am very suspicious of the dx, especially since it often seems to
be made when a mother describes what seems like perfectly normal spitting up
and occasional fussiness in a breastfed baby.

How much reflux is there *really*?  How much is overdiagnosis?  How much is
disease-of-the-month?  What are the parameters for making an appropriate
diagnosis?  (Maybe I should phrase that, what SHOULD be the parameters?)  If
the baby is generally happy and gaining, it's not reflux, no matter HOW much
they spit up?  As Jan Barger would say, "Inquiring minds want to know."
This has been a pet peeve of mine for many years and I would like some
*real* info.

I am more glad all the time that I had my babies when I was too young to
know better.  I just figured they *all* spit up like that....  we quickly
gave up on diapers as burp cloths - NEVER big enough! - and used flannel
receiving blankets.  We went through two or three on an average day and did
a LOT of laundry.  Yep, it was never a medical problem, but it was a laundry
problem!  :D

Mary Renard, RN, BSN, IBCLC
wondering, was I brain dead in early postpartum?  why do other mothers ask
their doctors about spitting up and I never thought of it as a doctor question?!
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