St. George is in the Folklore Dept. at Penn.  I spoke to him last year
about this very article; he is rather peeved that Deetz has made so much
of this unpublished preliminary work & thinks it is being misinterpreted
and misused by Deetz and his students.  He says it was given at a
conference years ago & was a very initial foray into the topic.  He says
it would never be published in the form in which Deetz is citing or
distributing it.  All of the uses of this work I have seen offer gross
over-simplifications of St. George's argument, to the point that the
analyses are silly at best.  Bob is also peeved that not a soul who's
cited the paper has communicated with him or even bothered to send him
copies of articles that make prominent use of this piece.  I recommend
you contact St. George at Penn and communicate with him about his current
thoughts on the matter.  He is not best pleased that his unpublished
conference paper has assumed a life of its own that he never even knew about.
        Best regards,
                M. Beaudry
                Boston University