I have a client who is due in May with her second baby. She has
Double lumen breast implants. She breast fed her first infant until 9 months
but he suffered from an intestinal malaborption syndrome and was than
spilling fecal fats and had a large amount blood in the stools.
         He was investigated +++ at Sick children's hospital in T.O.
Canada. This resolved at about 8 months and she continued to breastfeed for
another month. At the time they were questioning the silicone from the
implants but the pediatrician felt that with a malabsorption problem he did
not want her to stop breastfeeding.
         She had wanted to have them removed before she got pregnant again
but was pregnant before before she had time to do this. Our concern now is "
might it have been the implants that had caused the first problem?  What
data is there on this?
        I would love to meet some of you well informed people here in
Ontario. I did attend K.Auerbach's workshop in Toronto a couple of years
ago. Fabulous!!  What about Kathleen Bruce and Katherine Dettwyler. Do you
go about and spread the lactation word in Ontario Canada. How could we
arrange it? Keep that information coming. Thanks.

Attie Sandink RN. IBCLC.<[log in to unmask]>