So glad to finally be posting to the group after months of lurking.  The
depth of discussion in this listserv is invaluable and I have definitely
broadened my thinking about all sorts of things.  I am  a nursing clinical
coordinator in a large New York City hospital with 2500 deliveries per year.
 Our IBCLC CNS resigned and unfortunately the powers that be have eliminated
the postition all in the good name of downsizing.  Administration
has said that all the RN's should be experts in breastfeeding, therefore no
need for a LC!

     In an effort to better evaluate the breastfeeding process, I would like
to initiate the L.A.T.C.H.  system of documentation by Jensen, Kelsay and
Wallace.  This is a system where the RN could assess five components of
breastfeeding and score them similar to an Apgar score.

     My goal is to improve the RN assessment and communication to the next
shift in this era of early discharge.

     Please let me know if any of you are utilizing this system and how
effective it is.  Sometimes the nurses get so bogged down in activities of
the  unit,  they will quickly look at the mom and baby, and make a
superficial and general assessment.

     Thanks in advance, Stacey Richards RNC

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