Hello again.
I wrote a few days ago about a 4 day old sleepy baby who just wouldn't
latch on and hadn't had  stool by herself.  I got a lot of good comments
about rousing, latching on, meds during delivery(she was admitted early
for kidney stones too-ouch! she said it hurt more than labor, but then
she did have an epidural) Anyway to make a long story short baby is
doing fine-she visited with a home health care nurse who diagnosed
engorgement.  They pumped off and baby latched right on.  Where was I?
I saw this mom and we talked. I don't usually touch moms just go by what
the tell me and she seemed full, so we talked about pumping but why
wasn't I more aggressive (sp) about it?  Has anyone else ever missed
something so simple?  I really feel inadequate.

 A high note though. I spoke to some WIC moms at a support group and a
medical person there called me today to find out about what course I
took.  She really wanted to do something to help other mothers.  She
said I was the inspiration she needed to go ahead and do it.  That
brought me back up again.

Thanks for listening.              Julie Miller, BC(somedays I wonder