
Just a few tidbits.  Dr Neifert has signed on to be a contributing
editor to Parenting Magazine.  I look forward to some good
breastfeeding coverage..  They, in my opinion, are more
pro-breastfeeding than the other mainstream childrearing
magazines...  like Child.  This month's issue has an article about
 things noone ever told you about pregnancy...  Number 3 is about
"Breastfeeding isn't as natural as you think".... (UGH!)  Although
the article mentions a few positive things (it can work, is
healthiest and a plug for lactation consultants), in general I
felt the tone was negative.  The author says how badly it hurt,
how the baby never stops nursing and how she,like most women she
knew, resorted to the formula after a few weeks...  UGH UGH UGH!

Finally, Am J OB/GYN has an article in this months issue about
breastfeeding success after reduction surgery.  The article is
interesting.  Thought it was interesting..

Wendy Funk
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