Pearl, over the years I have had several babies in my practice diagnosed
with "breastmilk colitis" (terrible, misleading term!) I understand that for
most infants who have this colitis any bovine protein in their diet (or
mom's diet) continues to be a problem for the first year. After 12 months of
age, I'm advised, most infants outgrow the sensitivity. Given the reaction
to the amox, has this baby had a stool culture? (MDs on line will likely
answer with this suggestion, too). Besides the potential for overgrowth of
certain organisms (c. diff.), might there also be lactose in the Amox? (I am
at home with sick child today, don't have PDR handy). A couple of the
bovine-sensitive infants I've seen also reacted to soy products. These mom's
were very limited in what they could ingest. Babies who needed supplements
were put on special hypo-allergenic formulas.

Margery Wilson, IBCLC
MIT Medical Department
Cambridge, Massachusetts