Happy New Year to you all!
The mother of a twenty-two month old is asking about waiting until the child
is older in rder to have just local anesthesia for repair work on three of
his teeth.

Does anyone have any experience with toddlers who have developed dental
caries and have elected not to have them repaired or to postpone repair?
 Most people who end up going to pediatric dentists are told that general
anesthesia is recommended for dental work and many mothers are told to wean
the toddler from nighttime nursings.

I heard an Irish dentist talk this summer about research he had done into
bottle mouth caries in breastfed toddlers.  He said that many Irish mothers
had elected to do nothing about the caries.  The major risk is that possible
future abscess formation could damage the unermerged adult teeth.
Mardrey in snowy NH