Hi! Happy New Year!!
I probably need to re-introduce myself-it's been a while.  My name is
Julie Miller and we just moved to Clinton,IL.  from Decatur-the soybean
capital of the world-a few months ago.  I have a pump rental station and
was doing quite well in Decatur.  We moved to Clinton-20 mins. away-and
things have really slowed down.  I also completed my BC course through
BSC a few months ago-finally.  Now what to do with it-hospitals aren't
exactly jumping for my attention-I am for theirs though, but that's
another story.
 My question is for a young mom who is tired of being pale and wants to
tan again. She has been nursing well for 5 months now-baby will not take
a bottle. I suggested cup feeding-mom just hasn't got around to trying
it yet- Dr. told mom to wean at 6 months anyway.  Is it safe for mom to
tan while nursing?   ( Mom also slept in a chair for the first 2 months
holding baby now baby needs to be held constantly--any suggestions for

Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions!
                Julie MIller, BC