After suffering through Lactnet withdrawal for two weeks, I am back on and
a bit inundated at all the messages that occurred in my absence.

However, for all of you who are doing a bit of traveling, I highly
recommend contacting LACTNET people in the area you are going and arranging
an informal meeting.  Our lunch in Edmonds was WONDERFUL!  And I am not
shouting!  I do hope the pictures turn out. At least one person was smarter
than I and remembered to bring a camera. Perhpas if we can get another
poster accepted at the ILCA Conference in 1996, we can include a copy for
all to see.

In the trivia category, for those of you who endured that overwhelmingly
crowded room at the ILCA COnference in Scottsdale, my son was very
impressed with the pictures we took there (I showed them off).  He said
"Awesome!" when I told him how many people have joined the original group.
All take a bow, please. He is difficult to impress!

More later, after I wade through two weeks of digests....

Def. of LC service: "We are all faced with a series of great opportunities
brilliantly disguised as impossible situations."
Kathleen G. Auerbach,PhD, IBCLC (Homewood, IL)- [log in to unmask]