Dear Jon, and all, I also think that the hospital in question could really
use to be raked over the coals in the press..kicking a mother out, etc.

I don't know how it is in other places, but here in Vermont, there have been
TONS of calls from FRANTIC mothers...discharged from hosp in the 12
hours....after 30 hour labors,....when their milk hits...they are PANIC city....

Is there something in the air, ...or why is there such a rash of bf problems
over the holidays.

Here is the CLINCHER:

Mother calls me yesterday, needing a pump. She has 9 mo old, and is visiting
from a different state. Says she got sick with a really high fever, 104,
went to ER, ...was diagnosed with some "bug",...was told by ER doctor to
QUIT bf cold turkey. "You wouldnt want to might make more milk!!!"
Mother was out of it at that point...with fever, etc. She wakes up next day
feeling slightly better, with cauliflower breasts. Calls for pump. Mother is
on some unknown medication that she "cannot" breastfeed with. I , in my
wisdom and naivete, ask if I could help her by looking the drug up, that
there are few drugs you can't nurse with, blah blah blah...

and she says..No, Thanks,...i just want the pump. I want to start getting a
good night's I am going just wean.



Kathleen B. Bruce, BSN, IBCLC, LLL Leader
Co-Owner Lactnet, LLLOL, Corgi-L E-mail lists
Remember: Jesus was a  breastfeed ( on cue.) child.....!!
Happy Holidays and Warm Wishes to you from the Bruces!