>Any thoughts would be appreciated.  In the past with this post you have send
>a wide variety of thoughts possibilities, etc.  I really appreciate all your
>input.  It has been most helpful.

I just had an odd thought as I was reading your update, since it seems that
this baby can suck (she does for the first bit), what if she doesn't want to
for some reason?  She may be getting as much as she needs just to keep
herself from starving and then refuses more.  I would think it difficult to
push air into the SNS tube.  You say she only swallows when the milk pools.
She has to swallow then or she will drown.  What if there is somthing in the
milk she is reactive to?  What if she has a bit of reflux and she knows when
she eats it will burn her throat??  Michael Woolridge did a panel at the
ILCA conference last summer where he talked about how babies control how
much they eat.  You might want to see if you can get the tape.  (Perhaps
someone with a better memory can remember the exact title of that plenary
session.)  I have seen a couple of babies who were deeply intubated (e.g.
heavy meconium in amniotic fluid) who didn't like anything in their mouths
because it had such a negative association.  It took these babies many days
of spoon or cup feeding for nourishment while "playing happy games" with the
baby's mouth only as much as the baby would like before we reintroduced
"sucking" feeds.  You may want to explore the possibility that this baby
doesn't want to eat for some reason.  Good luck!

Linda Pohl, IBCLC
Phoenix, Arizona USA
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