>Parent Controlled Feeding

You are joking right Jan?

Anyone who buys this garbage should come sit with me for about 12 hours with
a newborn who is NPO (nothing by mouth) while they have an IV of D10W and
electrolytes (basically sugar water with salts added).  No amount of
cuddling or talking will change these little guy's minds.  There are many
ways to signal satiation STRETCH RECEPTORS IN THE TUMMY are one of the
ways!!!  I can't tell you how many times I have demanded that an NPO baby be
fed to have the doctors calmly explain why the kid can't be hungry.  Of
course the dr. humors me and voila' baby cries no more (even with as little
as 15cc aka 1/2 oz).

                Continually amazed at people's cold heartedness,

         Destiny is not a matter of chance but a matter of choice.
     Debbie Codding, RN   Mother-Infant Unit, Naval Hospital Oak Harbor
        (Whidbey Island), Washington state    [log in to unmask]