In a message dated 95-11-26 13:15:33 EST, you write:

>She says that she is the vice principal in a middle school and won't be able
>to handle the stress of pumping at work.  She asked about the possibility of
>weaning to 2 feedings a day (a.m. and p.m.) at 1 month of age.  I've had a
>lot of older babies wean to two feedings, but not a 1 month old.   Her only
>alternative would be to completely wean.
>What is your experience with feeding a 1 month old

A few years ago, a staff nurse in a large teaching hospital complained that
telling a new mother that her baby needed to breast feed every 3 hours, the
mother refused, and asked for a bottle.  The mother stated that she was only
going to breastfeed the baby one time a day (at 9 AM to be exact) and was
a bottle at all other times. The very upset staff nurse told her that was
impossible -
she HAD to breastfeed the baby every 3 hours or she wouldn't have any milk.
This older mother thanked the nurse, and continued to breastfeed only at 9

Since she had fed her previous 5 infants exactly the same way, each for about
6 months, she knew that it was not impossible. According to the mother, she
had enough milk to satisfy the baby at this one feeding throughout the 6

While I would not encourage a mother to try this, I certainly would support
decision to do so.  I hope this helps delineate the diversity of lactation
are capable of!

Donna L. Coe RN IBCLC
Syracuse, NY - Where our record snowfall for melting in the rain