is eliminating foods

Barbara Wilson-Clay wrote about a breastfeeding mother who is eliminating foods
from her diet:
However, there are still sporadic episodes of blood specks.  We are looking at dairy
and peanuts in maternal diet.
 I am assuming that this baby has had negative stool cultures?

I have had several patients whose babies were diagnosed with protein-induced
colitis. All were resolved by the mother's strict avoidance of dairy. One baby whose
condition had cleared for several weeks had "bloody stools that looked like
menstral flow" (quote from mother) after she mistakenly consumed a single 1/2"
cube of feta cheese in a salad, and a second episode when she used a teaspoon of
non-dairy creamer (read those labels!)  The physician suggested that most infants
outgrow this intolerance by the end of the first year, so mom served the child ice
cream on his first birthday--and things were fine. Another patient had to avoid all
dairy and all soy products. Again, at the end of the year the baby could tolerate

I think you are on the right track in having the mom eliminate dairy and peanuts.
Do you have a list that details hidden sources of dairy products?  E-mail me if you
need resources. I have them!

Thanks every one of you who contribute so richly to my days through LACTNET.
Enjoy the holiday.