In a message dated 95-11-23 15:21:27 EST, you write:

>Looking for info regarding recommendations for breastfeeding moms who are
>advised to wean in order to use Prozac to treat postpartem depression.
>Are there any studies indicating weaning is necessary? advisable?

Hi Mary:

Many of the therapists in my state (as well as physicians) suggest weaning as
part of the Tx for PPD (whose Dx may or may not be valid in every case).
 However, this is often done out of ignorance.

A few months ago, The California Therapist had an interesting article on PPD.
 Though the author did not attend to brfding issues, she did mention that
there is a huge hormonal shift at weaning that can add to the emotional
chaos.  I replied in a letter to the editor, discussing the various ways PPD
can be treated with the breastfeeding relationship intact.  They must have
considered the information important, as they printed it.

Though PPD can be severe during the course of brfding, even involing suicidal
ideation or other dangerous intrusive thoughts, I am not aware of instances
where these thoughts were acted on until *after* weaning.  If others know of
such instances, I'd be intersted to hear about them.
