Re: C. Brown, RN and her post about allergies.
I have to remember, and remind mothers, that breastfeeding reduces the risk
of allergies (and maybe asthma) and colds, but doesn't eliminate the
possibilties.  My son has had his share of colds and last year had his
first (and only) asthma attack.  He sniffles from allergies almost all the
time.  Sometimes it's easy to get discouraged when a breastfed baby has
these problems, but I think about how sick my child might have been if he
weasn't breastfed (and still nursing twice a day at four and almost a half
years old.)  (I do think of it as nursing and not breastfeeding because
it's more of a feature of our close relationship than a means of
nourishment.  That is, it's emotional nourishment for both of us.)
Nancy Phillips,LLLL