Hi all,
What is the longest time you have seen for delayed milk production?  I have a 8
day failed induction--C/S mom that is just as soft as day one. Pumping for
stimulation pc feed with Medela hand pump produces 1/4 to 1/2 oz. Baby was slow
to get going still fights at the breast to latch.  When she does latch nurses x
2 minutes max. backs off and screams. parents feel comfortable bottle feeding. I
have offered SNS feeding system and it's benefits in this situation but mom
doesn't feel she wants to do that.  I did not work the first two days that this
couplets  was trying to learn to nurse.  I came in on day 3 to help with latch
and pumping for stimulation.

Just can't get the baby to latch and stay on at this point long enough to
provide the stimulation that is needed. I really think the SNS would be a good
reward system for this kid but mom does not appear to be that dedicated.

I know we've had this topic on the net before, can't ever find what I want when
I want it. So please e-mail me privately for further suggestions for this mom
who feels that the formula is going down just fine.......
Robin Musial(feeling like I've run into a brick wall this week)
Columbus IN.
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