I heartily agree with Leslie's comments about bottlefeeding mothers.

Never, in our wildest dreams, would we want to treat a bottlefeeding mom the
awful way so many breastfeeding mothers have been treated...

If we started doing that, would we then need legislation protecting a
mother's right to bottlefeed too?  The main reason for the legislation is to
protect a woman's decision to feed her baby this healthy way she chooses -
and we always point out that bottlefeeding moms are not being discriminated
against, or given a hard time...

I really believe that we give information, and support a mother in whatever
decision she makes.  She may decide not to breastfeed this child, but maybe,
just maybe, especially if she doesn't feel judged by us, will consider it
more next time.

Elizabeth N. Baldwin,  Esq.   305-944-9100  Home office:  305-940-7873  Fax:
E-mail:  [log in to unmask]    or    [log in to unmask]
Attorney specializing in breastfeeding and the law