I find it interesting when mothers state that if they knew baby would not
take a bottle later they would not have breastfed.  I also find it
interesting when doctors suggest one or two bottles per day to prevent this
problem.  In my years of experience working with mothers the baby will often
develop a preference to breast or bottle.  We can never predict when or
which.  The mother's who I talk to who get really confused are the ones who
offered the bottle from the beginning then about 4 months the baby absolutely
refuses to take it.

Do any of you have any experience with fathers, grandmothers, etc, who give
the baby occassional feedings with a cup instead of a bottle?  Are they
generally willing or unwilling?  I've seen babies who were really resistant
to cup feedings too.

I see a lot of resistance, amazement over this.  How do you handle it?  Do
you use a regular household cup or a specially designed one for that purpose?

I'd like to see some discussion on this subject.

Denise Parker, BA, IBCLC (La Crescenta, CA)