It is certainly a pity - and rather strange, I think - that archaeologists and
historians cannot come together in and for a common cause --- the quest for kno
wledge. I know that I for one tried to bridge the gap, but who am I? A SINGLE,
lowly, would-be graduate student who comes all the way to Florida from Virginia
 to be in a historical archaeology program, which I got in allright, but then f
ound that it just won't do for me to stay! Strictly speaking, my undergraduate
major was historic preservation, but history was my minor and my first love. I
was open, I was willing, but having insufficient background in archaeology just
could not be the problem, could it? I took more undergraduate classes to learn,
 and for what?
Archaeologists complain that historians don't respect their field - they  say t
hat history people should learn some archaeology.... Well this is one would-be
historian who tried, attempting to makeit part of his basic education so that a
ny prejudices would  be avoided and all....
So now I search for a regular history or historic preservation graduate program
 to transfer into - changing them horses... Anyone have any suggestions on scho
ols, especially in the southeast? I should have never left Virginia.......